The situation for polar bears is not easy. Global warming polar bear images always territy us because due to many threats to their ecosystem, we saw an increase in these animals mortality and a drastic drop down in survivors’ life quality.
When we think of global warming, one of the first things we think of in our minds is the figure of the polar bear.
They are the symbol of the disastrous situation that we find as one of the main symptoms of climate change on planet Earth.
Of course, the polar bears are not the unique afftected — all species are suffering, as the effects of the climate crisis are global —but the bears picture is very representative.
This is because the first of the polar bears is the Arctic, the place that suffered the first and, until then, the most serious consequences of rising temperatures.
The Hourglass team the key facts about this explain the animals and how they will cope with the worsening effect.
Global warming polar bear facts
Climate change is, of course, the biggest threat to the species.
In the last 30 years, sea ice has declined by 40%, which is a staggering amount.
These animals have adapted exclusively to living in the polar regions, in very cold temperatures and with a lot of available ice — which, for the most part, has melted.
Another reason for the polar bears’ extinction trail is oil and gas exploration (another human threat to this species).
With the Arctic ice melting, the terrain is opening up for oil exploration, increasing expeditions to the icy continent.
This search should cause a more significant decrease in the land available to these animals. In addition to the risk of large oil spills, as happened recently in the Gulf of Mexico.
Anyone who has watched the documentary “Mission Blue” on Netflix knows that the oceans are terribly threatened.
The ocean works to absorb the carbon dioxide available on the surface and excess emissions are causing the death of many species.
In addition, the garbage deposited in the ocean added to the increase in temperature also underwater, is making marine life extremely toxic.
Guess who depends 100% on food from marine life? That’s right, polar bears.
They are at the top of the food chain in the Arctic and not only do they no longer have the territory they once had, they are also being poisoned by food (more or less like us humans with pesticides).
Global warming polar bear statistics
The statistics for polar bears are not positive either.
According to a study published by Ecological Applications, the population of these animals decreased by 40% in 10 years at the beginning of the century.
The territories in Northeast Alaska and the Northwest Territories were analyzed and the result was frightening.
Polar bears went from a population of 1500 in 2001 to just 900 bears in 2010. Currently, that number is probably lower.
These statistics show us that the problems related to global warming are already happening. It’s not just something to worry about in the future global warming polar bear endangered.
What’s happening to our planet? Here’s what you need to know about global warming
Climate change predictions on polar bears (until 2100)
The situation is critical and urgent The IUCN (International Union For Conservation of Nature) gathered the studies of several biologists and prepared a list of animals vulnerable to extinction: polar bears are on it.
The scientists’ projection is not encouraging. According to the study, the much-loved species could disappear from the planet by 2100.
The article “Fasting season length sets temporal limits for global polar bear persistence” draws a timeline that, in short, proves that even if humanity manages to meet the global temperature target, there will still be a loss of almost the entire population of bears.
Even if we keep the temperature rise to just 1.5°, which is the best case scenario proposed by the IPCC report, only small populations of bears that inhabit the extreme north of the planet will survive.
Global warming polar bear images
Trigger alert: Polar bear images are strong.
It is very difficult to face the effects of climate change head-on. We’re so used to thinking of it as a future problem, it’s a shock to see it already happening.
It is much worse to know that the cause of these changes and so much suffering is human actions.
If we hadn’t radically increased carbon dioxide and methane emissions on the planet in the name of economic growth, we wouldn’t be in this situation.
You might think: at the beginning, we didn’t know what the real impact of these actions would be on life on Earth. That is true.
However, since 1997, the IPCC and independent scientists have warned that the problem is real and that we are the main causes.
We have been aware of the climate crisis for 25 years and so far we have not been able to bring about a radical transformation of society in all nations to avoid a collapse.
The images you will see are of the transformation that has already taken place and, as painful as they are, they serve as a warning. How long are we going to allow this to happen to Earth’s animals?
This image was taken from a National Geographic documentary, by photographer Paul Nicklen.
This is what a starving, malnourished polar bear that has been spotted on Somerset Island and the Canadian Arctic looks like.

In this next image, we are looking at a photograph that brings a very sad story.
In summer, when the polar ice tends to decrease, the situation is much more complicated.
Because of the melting ice, there are many gaps between one plate and another, preventing the bears from making the traditional transition in the Svalbard Islands.
These bears are trapped in small islands of ice in the middle of the water, being isolated and without the possibility of hunting, which ends up starving them eventually.

And, finally, the last image you’ll see has nothing to do with global warming. The only reason this picture is here is to remind you how polar bears are. That’s how they should be.
This is what a healthy polar bear family look like, with their territory preserved and enough eating.
This is how the world of this species was before we interfered in the environment thinking only on scaling production of consumer goods.

Global warming polar bear art and cartoon
The sad situation of climate change brings us revolt, sadness and a great feeling of helplessness that we can barely express.
It is in these moments that we can make use of art to bring out those feelings in an emotional way.
Here you can find some arts about polar bears and the effects of global warming.
You can use these images in campaigns for the environment, in social media posts to bring attention to causes, or even in activism campaigns.
Use the tools we have in our favor to defend the planet we live on. There is no planet B!
Ice caps melting

How can I help polar bears?
Nobody expects yo to leave your house and feed some polar bear families yourself. So, about helping polar bears, you need to support people who are already taking care of these animals, because they have the necessary skills to do it.
Hourglass has a planet healing program that, among other great challenges related to climate change, supports monthly institutions for species preservation. Meet the Hourglass program here.